The Doors

WALT: I am learning to write descriptive stories.

I placed my ear against the firm, wooden door. It felt warm: the sun had been shining on it all morning. From the other side I could hear voices. It sounded like two, or maybe three people whispering. One of the voices was a woman, and the others seemed to be men. Or was it the sound of a child? The tone of their voices suggested great excitement. Has a great discovery just been made? Had a long-lost secret just been unearthed? Curious, I placed my hand on the shiny, metal door handle and began to turn. Creak… the door’s stiff hinges resisted me, but gradually gave way, and I was drenched in darkness as I stepped into the room.
I find it hard to write about non real thing because with a real story you 
know whats going to happen and with a non real story you don't.
Do you like to write ?


  1. Kia Ora Kalani. I do like how you hooked me into this piece of writing. I wanted to know what was on the other side of the door. Will you add to this piece? I will just have to wait and see.
    Na Mrs Stevenson


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