
WALT:  I am learning to write discriptive writing

In the early hours of the morning, when the sun was barely peeking its head over the trees that surrounded the lagoon, he lay there. Waiting. The vast creature slid through the water like a partially submerged submarine, the majority of its bulk hidden beneath the green-tinged water. It was a calm morning, and so the shiny surface of the lagoon reflected its surroundings like a window; a window that showed the true beauty of nature for those who looked into it. However,despite its beauty and serenity, the atmosphere in this place could suddenly change. Power, panic and noise could put an end to the peace. The vast creature waited. He had seen something.

do you like to write ?


  1. Hey Kalani I really like your story

  2. Hi Kalani I really like that pice of writing you did

  3. Hi Kalani I like you're show sentences/descriptive writing.


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