The life of a snail

WALT: I am learning to write descriptive stories.

With a frantic flutter of her wings, she
hovered for a fraction of a second before
landing gently. Beneath her she could feel
the softness of the feather, and as she
walked tentatively across it the long, white
strands parted. Her shell was as red as a
post-box, and she had a small, circular
black dot on either side. She considered
herself to be the most beautiful creature
in the entire garden!
I  found this piece of writing kind of similar to the one 
beneath because this is based on a dream as well.
do you like to write ?


  1. Wow, this is amazing Kalani! You are a superb writer, and have used many descriptive words and phrases to add effect to your writing. I look forward to reading more of your wonderful writing! On a side note, it has been lovely seeing you playing outside while I'm out for my walks. :)

  2. Wow kalani thats cool


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