One city two earthquakes:

WALT - We are learning to respond to texts using
the 4 roles of reading model. 
One city Two earthquakes:

Journal Response - 4 roles reading model
Read the text you have chosen Text - One city two earthquakes
Respond to each question.
Author - Jenna Tinkle Copy one question from each of the 4 roles. This may be as -
a visual - DLO - Digital Learning Objects
quote directly from the text
Your own ideas - opinion
Text User - What do I do with this text ?
Question - Who would read a text like this? Why?
Response - I think that children would read this kind

of text, to let them know about earthquakes,
Question - What is the purpose of this text?
Response - I think the purpose of this text is to show people what an earthquake can do to building’s, cars,

and people..
Text Analyst:
What does this text do to me ?
Question - How would the text be different if told in another time or place, e.g. 1900 or 2100?


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