carnival of doom

WALT: We are learning to write creative, scary story

  1. Clowns
  2. Spiders
  3. Dark
  4. Small space
  5. Lizards


One day, the day before Halloween,me and my friends Lucas, Isaac, Brooklyn and  Cage got a was a letter to a Carnival. The carnival of doom! I’ve never been to a carnival but it said  it would be tomorrow at midnight so me and my friends all met each other at the carnival. When we arrived me and my friends were scared,instantly. There was a clown with the highest stilts you ever will see,well lets hope they were stilts. There were two other clowns that greeted s with a smile. they opened a gigantic certain and pushed us in. I was already terrified but when I saw a giant anaconda I almost fainted. As we walked around I saw a ferris wheel , it was the biggest ferris wheel i had ever seen. 
Lucas and Isaac when’t to get some cotton candy while me cage and brooklyn Walk around and saw a little girl. she said hi and told us her name was Lucy she looked like she was seven or eight after a while she asked us if we had had a ride on the elephant we said no so we went over to the elephant and there was a man standing by the elephant he looked like a nightmare he said his name was 
Mr Tophat he ask us if we wanted to ride the elephant but before we could say no he through us on the elephant. All of a sudden the elephant went running out of of the carnival when we were outside the elephant disintegrated
In to dust like ash suddenly the gates of the carnival slammed closed there was no way in they were doing the carnival again next Saturday so that was when we were coming back.

I found putting together the writing quite hard becuase Im not a very good scary writer
what scares you.


  1. Very nice, Kalani! Your writing doesn't have much punctuation but I still love your fabulous piece of writing either way! What part of the story scared you the most? For me, It was when the scary man threw you on the elephant and the elephant ran out of the carnival!

  2. I think you did it pretty good. Maybe try to add a bit more punctuation next time but I think the start was pretty good. Your spelling is better then some of the people in my class I'll give you that.
    Ka pai


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