te manu huruhuru o te kura o paparore

WALT: We are learning to be awesome kuaka of paparore school.

Passionate - Proud - Values - Excellence - Respect - Positive

Division - Read - Description - Vocab - Writing

Curious - Inquiring - Hiranga

Confident - Represent - Eager - Think

Diversity - Kaitiaki - Cultural - Artistic

Positive - Resillient - Rereketanga - Take risks

Community - Respect - whanau - Mana - Sport

Tuakana Teina - role model - Leader

Honest - Smile - Empathy - Fun

Enviroment - Kiatiakitanga - Look after - Future

Shareing - Caring - National - Community

Technology - chrome book - Ipad

How to make the Kuaka:

Step 1. We got some feathers And coloured them in some of them we had to write on.

Step 2. Then you cut them out.

Step 3. Then they gave us a bird that we had to colour in any colour.

Step 4. Then cut that out.

Step 5. Now get 4 coloured feathers with words and 5 coloured feathers with out words.

Step 6. Put the feathers were you want them to go.

Step 7. Then glue the feathers on.

Step 8. Hang some were you like.

I really liked makeing these Kuaka

what do you now about Kuaka


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