All about me 2019

WALT:We are learning to describe ourselves to others.

All about me:

My name is Kalani. I love playing basketball. It's my favourite sport. I play for Paparore. I have a dog named Zues, two sisters named Elena and Nova, a mum named Erina and a dad named Rory. I have six friends named Lucas, Brooklyn, Cage, Oscar, Frano and Isaac. I’m sure I’m going to get lots more too. I love Art, drawing , colouring in and sketching. My favourite D.J is Marshmello. My favourite food is everything! I like McDonalds, Pizza hut, KFC and all sorts. My favourite thing to do is play with my friends. I use to have a Dog named Vader but he passed away two years ago. And that’s all about me.

This was easy because I found it easy to write about my self.
What did you think of my story.


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