
Showing posts from July, 2019


WALT: we are learning to use descriptive vocab in our class. This is work I have written and edited myself. It is a work in progress.    Under the bed: As D.J went to bed he heard a quiet Scuttling noise when D.J went to see  what it was D.J saw what looked like A flesh eating Monster So D.J dodged  under the bed like lightning to see there Cat  mitten 's.When D.J poked his head out to  see what the monster looked like he saw                                                    blue glowing teeth,Razor pink spik’s and a  fury purple tail AAAHH he said.The monster  heard  Him. Snatch the monster grabbed D.J and  Threw him to the ground as D.J stared at  the beastly monster thinking what kind of  monster would have blue teeth,pink spikes  and a purple ta...
WALT: I am learning my pepeha School Pepeha Ko puwheke te maunga Ko Rangagaunu te moana Ko Awanui te awa Ko paa A Papare te marae I am still learning my pepeha.I am going to find out what I need to put in my pepeha.


Matariki starts around 25 of June or July. 2. Matariki is found low on the North or east horizon sky. 3. Matariki is celebrated with education, remembrance and the planting of new trees plants and crops Matariki is the Māori name for the cluster of stars also known as the Pleiades. 2. Matariki literally means the 'eyes of god' . 3. Matariki is a star cluster, not a constellation. 4. You can see Matariki for yourself. 5. Different peoples celebrate Matariki at different times. WALT:we are learning about Matariki I found panting the yellow paper hard because we had to do it carefully so the paper doesn't ripe. What do you know about Matariki